Course Description

This course might be considered the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval" for all Missions Committee/Missions Team members. It is an overview of missions and church missions functions for training local church missions functionaries or mobilizers. This course provides a solid, common foundation for those serving the local church in missions, through the following areas: 

  • Biblical / theological 
  • Local church roles 
  • Leadership 
  • Missions Team functions 
  • Biblical values 
  • Missionary life and work

Missions 102 is the second part of the complete Missions for the Church package. If you have not taken Missions 101, be sure to check that out first.

History of Missions 101

For about a decade, churches have used this training for all those who become members of their missions committee. We pray that this course would be valuable for you too if you are sending a missionary or being sent as one. While this course was originally published under a different format, it has now been adapted to the teachable platform. Because of that, you will notice some of the videos make references to elements that currently do not exist. Thank you for your understanding and support of this ministry. We pray that it will continue to be beneficial to you and your church.

Course Curriculum

  Missions 101 Part 4 - Missions in the 21st Century
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Missions 101 Part 5 - Practical Missionary Life & Work
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Missions 101 Part 6 - Practical Missionary Life & Work (continued)
Available in days
days after you enroll

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